0900 Mediums
0900 mediums bij Astroangels
Astroangels biedt veel consulenten aan, die je kunnen helpen bij het oplossen van problemen of als je gewoon vragen hebt op het gebied van bovennatuurlijke zaken. We staan bekend om onze goede service en onze empathische en betrouwbare consulenten. Hierbij bieden wij via 0900 mediums, paragnosten, helderzienden, waarzeggers, tarotisten, astrologen en andere paranormaal begaafde mensen aan. In dit artikel gaan wij in op onze 0900 mediums, die niet alleen een zeer helder vermogen hebben om aan te voelen waar je problemen zitten. Ze kunnen ook contact met de hogere wereld maken. Onze 0900 mediums kunnen je daarom op een adequate en efficiënte manier helpen. Heb je na het lezen van dit artikel vragen aan onze consulenten of wil je antwoord op problemen waar je mee zit, dan doe je er goed aan om onze 0900 mediums of andere consulenten eens te bellen. Kijk maar eens op www.astroangels.nl
0900 mediums via de website van Astroangels
Alhoewel de meeste mensen wel gehoord hebben van de term medium is toch nog niet altijd voor iedereen duidelijk wat deze nu precies doet. Mensen hebben vaak het idee dat 0900 mediums hetzelfde doen als paragnosten of helderzienden. Dit is in grote lijnen waar, maar 0900 mediums kunnen iets wat paragnosten en helderzienden niet kunnen. Dat is namelijk dat een medium in staat is om contact te leggen met overleden personen of hogere entiteiten. Een paragnost of helderziende kan dit namelijk niet. Deze maakt alleen gebruik van een hoogontwikkelde sensitiviteit en empathisch vermogen. De term 0900 mediums verwijst naar mensen die via de telefoon of chat te bereiken zijn om jou te ondersteunen. Bij Astroangels werken alleen de beste 0900 mediums, die in staat zijn boodschappen vanuit de geestelijke wereld op te vangen. Omdat de geestelijke wereld veel sneller dan wij beweegt, is dit wel erg moeilijk te begrijpen. Onze 0900 mediums zijn getraind om de informatie wel te begrijpen en te vertalen in voor jou begrijpbare taal. Overleden mensen en andere hogere entiteiten zullen namelijk vooral informatie in energie, beelden, geuren, geluiden en gevoelens omzetten. 0900 mediums zijn als het ware een instrument van de Goddelijke wereld, waardoor ze een soort intermediair zijn tussen de fysieke en de geestelijke wereld. Bij Astroangels hanteren we dan ook de volgende definitie voor 0900 mediums:
0900 mediums are people to whom entities and supernatural powers
reveal themselves and act as pure and honest mediators
between the earthly world and beyond. 0900 mediums per
telephone or chat help customers with questions that they are walking around with.
Emotional connection between the Divine world and people on earth
The 0900 mediums have been able to make contact with the higher world and various spiritual entities from birth. This does not mean that they are right, but as life goes on, this will manifest itself. There are also 0900 mediums working at Astroangels who have been using their gifts for some time, but there are also people who have been familiar with the ‘medium’ phenomenon from an early age. What we find important about mediums who work with us is that they have a lot of experience. We also think it is important that our 0900 mediums are able to work with our clients in an empathetic and highly sensitive way. It is of course beyond dispute that they must be able to make contact with deceased people and other entities. Another point that we find important is that 0900 mediums must keep their emotions under control. That is of course very difficult, because many emotions arise in contact with the higher world and customers. 0900 mediums must therefore always be able not to interpret, but to avoid their own feelings when giving answers. In principle, a customer is not waiting for what the medium thinks, but wants to know what, for example, a deceased family member wants to pass on. Our 0900 mediums are trained to ensure that they do not interpret themselves, but merely to pass on what a higher entity provides. In principle, a customer is not waiting for what the medium thinks, but wants to know what, for example, a deceased family member wants to pass on. Our 0900 mediums are trained to ensure that they do not interpret themselves, but merely to pass on what a higher entity provides. In principle, a customer is not waiting for what the medium thinks, but wants to know what, for example, a deceased family member wants to pass on. Our 0900 mediums are trained to ensure that they do not interpret themselves, but merely to pass on what a higher entity provides.
Disappointment may not be a motive for answering
Working with higher entities is very difficult because a lot of information comes to the medium. It may be that a deceased person does not pass on anything or that a message is not nice to mention. There are mediums who, in order not to disappoint people, want to keep customers happy. Some customers sometimes want to hear what they want to hear. If a medium then gets something else, there are customers who do not want to accept this. Certain mediums tend to give a positive, personal twist to the answer. You can then speak of social desirability. The 0900 mediums of Astroangels are trained not to pass on things that they do not get from the higher world. We sometimes notice that customers can find it ‘strange’ and think that a medium is not fair, while the opposite is true. At Astroangels, it is therefore very important that our 0900 mediums make customers happy by indicating the truth. The truth can sometimes be difficult and hurt emotionally. As a customer, it will ultimately help you a lot. We therefore think it is extremely important that our 0900 mediums work in a pure and honest way. Disappointment in the short term is always better than if you only find out much later that a certain statement by a medium was incorrect. We therefore think it is extremely important that our 0900 mediums work in a pure and honest way. Disappointment in the short term is always better than if you only find out much later that a certain statement by a medium was incorrect. We therefore think it is extremely important that our 0900 mediums work in a pure and honest way. Disappointment in the short term is always better than if you only find out much later that a certain statement by a medium was incorrect.
What skills do 0900 mediums use?
A 0900 medium has been given the talent to be able to make contact with deceased persons, spirits and other spiritual entities. The mediums of Astroangels have been selected because they have a lot of experience and knowledge and are also able to deal with customers in a pure and honest way. Most 0900 Astroangels mediums have been aware of their supernatural gifts and talents since birth. They already have a lot of experience with higher energies and can therefore deal with the higher world in a natural way. In addition to being able to communicate with this spiritual world, 0900 mediums can also do things that psychics, psychics and fortune tellers do. They may also have learned other skills, such as working with tarot cards orastrology. As we indicated, our 0900 mediums will be very honest and will say absolutely nothing to make the customer happy while something else is being passed on. We want to work as pure as possible, but we will always be careful that our 0900 mediums pass on less good messages with some tact and empathic capacity. There must, of course, be a relationship of trust between customer and medium. This means that 0900 mediums must be able to respond to the emotions and opinions of customers, so that they feel at ease. It is important that 0900 mediums are able to eliminate their own feelings and opinions. A medium must focus on the information that higher beings pass on. 0900 mediums use their talent to communicate with them,
A translation of the information that the Divine world transmits
It is very difficult to make clear how a medium makes contact with the higher world. Although there are many similarities, every medium willdo it again in its own way. What is important is that 0900 mediums should use the energy wisely. By that we mean that you have to filter which information you should or should not pass on. When passing on the information from the higher world, so many energies are released that you give all impressions the right direction as a medium. If you do not do this as a medium in the right way, then you can exhaust yourself in such a way that people suffer from depression or even worse diseases. The 0900 mediums that work with us are people who can protect themselves. They can clearly indicate which energies they do not want to capture. This is because there is a bond of trust between the medium and the higher world. The spiritual entities want to use the medium in a positive way. They will not go beyond the limits of the capabilities of the medium and pass on the information in a friendly and gentle manner. If you call as a customer with 0900 mediums, they will listen to your question and then make contact with the higher world and / or with their six senses, so that you get a clear picture of you. When contacting the higher world, it is important to know that it is not the medium that determines what is passed on, but the higher world. If nothing comes through, 0900 mediums will clearly indicate this and certainly not just come up with something to serve the customer. In addition, the medium needs your help, because it provides certain energies that the medium translates to you. You should be able to recognize what is meant and who communicates this. Do you not recognize certain things, then the medium will try to get more information from beyond. If you have any questions about this article or if you experience problems that require the higher world, we recommend that you contact the 0900 mediums from Astroangels atwww.astroangels.nl
The top consultants of Astroangels
When assessing whether a paranormally gifted person is suitable, we have in principle already made some sort of preselection. Our customers are generally very satisfied with the consultants who work at Astroangels. We employ renowned 0900 mediums and other paranormally gifted people. All consultants have been extensively selected and we always keep an eye on whether we continue to meet the requirements that customers place on us. We think it is important to work with top consultants and we do not like to come up with talks alone, because they do not fill any gaps. We have been a leader in paranormal aid for years. We would like to keep it that way, so that we want to continue to offer a high level. You can visit our consultants www.astroangels.nlfind and view who is available. Our consultants are happy to help you. So don’t wait any longer and contact our consultants. As stated, they are strictly selected, so that they can advise you professionally.
This article was written by Frank Post. You can reach Frank on our site under box number 0119. It is certainly worthwhile to elaborate on yourself. Frank can focus more on personal aspects, which gives you a better picture of your personality.
© 2017 Astroangels and Frank Post. All rights reserved. No part of this text may be reproduced, stored in an automated database, or made public in any form or by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, by photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers (Frank Post and Astroangels).